Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Ready, Set, Go!

OK, OK!!  I know I've had this blogspot for at least 3-4 months and haven't done anything with it.  I think the hardest part is just getting started.  I sit around and think of all kinds of things I want to do, then the ideas never get out of my head.....I think my resolution for next year is to actually start doing some of the things I dream of doing.  And I'm not talking about going to Hawaii or something like that.  Actually enjoying living right here in Mississippi.  For Mother's Day this year I asked Jimmy Wayne to give me an Herb Garden (planter).  It was my first attempt to actually grow something on my own.  Not talking about the poor plants that my mother gave to me in the past that met their demise due to my lack of watering, or over watering.  Or what ever the cause...This time I wanted to learn and put forth an effort to actually keep the plant alive!  They did OK, although I think they would have done better in the ground rather than a planter.  I still have 1 little green tomato on the vine out there believe it or not! 

This blog will probably jump around alot from subject to subject.  But if there is actually anyone who reads it, it won't be hard to keep up because you probably already know me and know that I'm easily distracted! 

So come back again someday and let me tell you some of the things I love...


  1. your right - it is hard to get started....when i finally did, i sorta got into it for awhile- but it seemed to become very unrewarding as time went on- with people stealing and no thank you's hardly- not that i'm doing my blog for the THANKS but, it sure does make it feel like i'm accomplishing SOMETHING, ya know? If you look at my very first postings, that's what i was sharing- 'things i love' and i sorta grew from that...but everyones different, so just start posting stuff (u love) and see what happens!

  2. let me know when you do start 'er up, so i can follow you, i don't see the follow you button on your page....
